Passing of our Founder
Brian Ferrier
It is with deep sadness that we inform our customers, clients, supply chain, ex-colleagues and friends of the passing of the founder of Ferrier Pumps, Brian Ferrier on September. It is with deep sadness that we inform our customers, clients, supply chain, ex-colleagues and friends of the passing of the founder of Ferrier Pumps, Brian Ferrier on September 21st, aged 66.
At the tender age of 24, Brian Ferrier Pump Supplies began operations from Leith Walk, Edinburgh in 1981, expanding over the years to include Glasgow and Aberdeen and renaming to Ferrier Pumps in the 2000s.

Brian’s drive and leadership built a successful and sustainable business for over 40 years until his retirement in early 2021. His lasting legacy laid the foundations for our business laid the foundations for our business to grow and prosper well into the future.
Most of us still at Ferrier Pumps today will have known and worked with Brian all our adult lives.
Outside his entrepreneurial endeavours, Brian was passionate about fishing and sailing and many a story and a laugh were shared about his adventures when he was back in the office.
Family meant a huge amount to Brian both within and outside the business, so to Brian’s family – his mother Helen, his wife Ruby, sons Adam and Jonathan and the rest of the family and friends, we offer our sincere and heartfelt condolences.